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Audubon Whales: Wildlife Adventure


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Audubon Whales: Wildlife Adventure is a series of educational games about whales Designed to teach young players about the lifecycle and types of whales and the dangers they face from hunting The software package contains 4 short adventure games, as well as guides about whales
In the first game, Whale Tracker, the player joins Bill Martinez on a whale watching expedition The goal is to photograph whales from aboard the boat The player reviews whale data cards on different types of whales, how and where they live, the sounds they make, and how to identify their spout The player then goes on a subsequent trip, and must match photographs from the previous expedition to whales seen on the next trip In Secrets of Hosea Freeman you have moved into an old house formerly owned by by a whaler of New Bedford, Massachusetts During the night, you see an image of an old man holding a coin and a piece of paper You seek out to solve the mystery The player explores the rooms of their large home, seeking clues left by Hosea Freeman The player discover that Hosea had started out as a whaler, but had began to love and respect whales He had even written a book about whales, which he had hidden somewhere within his home for the player to find In Whale Rescue the player again joins Bill Martinez in helping lost and stranded whales This is a multiple choice game, where the player must correctly choose options from a whale rescue guide In Manatee Rescue, after working with Bill Martinez, the player is then hired to protect manatees off the coasts of Florida The player answers calls at the Manatee Hotline at the Florida State Department of Fish and Wildlife The player answers calls about dead or injured manatees, and must call the correct people to aid in the situation The player can fly by helicopter to carious locations along the coast to speak to locals or aid in manatee rescues


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National Audubon Society


National Audubon Society

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