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Bumper 7


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Bumper 7 is a collection of seven games and programs which includes: Repeat 20: Based on Simon but instead of colours you get numbers The computer gives you a sequence of four numbers which you then copy If correct then the computer will add a number on to the sequence for you to guess
Ski Slalom: You must control a H and move it left or right to go in between gates that move up the screen Paper Stone & Knife: Based on the game Rock, Paper, Scissors, you must decide whether to use Paper, Stone or Knife to beat the computer's choice Paper beats Stone, Stone beats Knife and Knife beats Paper Snowflake: You must catch snowflakes that fall down the screen Patterns: This a program that lets you watch patterns appear on the screen Banco: Based on the card game Punto Banco and the idea is to get the nearest to nine Sketch: A program that allows you to draw shapes and pictures with a cursor


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