Cross the Age is a dynamic universe in which fantasy and science-fiction come together and clash. The worlds share the single continent of Artellium. To the west lies the Arkhant, masters of magic and summoning. To the east, the city-continent of Mantris is home to the Neurotechs multicultural people whose technology has invaded their everyday life. That was twenty years ago, and time hasn't softened anyone's resentment. The Appologium is a vestige of the Heroes’ War that has been turned into a sporting event, a noisy cemetery filled with celebrities who died on the field of honor that the audience visits out of nostalgia, while entertaining delusions of grandeur. Twenty years later, the battle between Chaka and Faustus remains unsurpassed in terms of impact. More than memorable or unforgettable, it's legendary. And it grows even more so every year, since it tolled the end of the Heroes' War. Each year, gladiators from Arkhant and Mantris reinterpret the duel of champions in the Appologium to try to pick the lock of history, in search of a definitive answer. Which one – Chaka the Genetic or Faustus the Primus of Shadows – won?