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FlixMix is a jigsaw puzzle game featuring a variety of animated images to reassemble But there is a catch: the jigsaw puzzle is an animated picture, so each piece is not a static part of a picture but a small part of a large animation you have to assemble You can set a number of options such as the number of pieces and whether the animation randomly plays back and forth or just in one direction
There are also four different modes of play for single or multi player, in this case more like party play The animations vary from optical illusions to simple CG The object of the game is to place all the rectangular pieces into the correct positions Puzzle pieces can be varied in size to as few as 2x2 to over 10x10, depending on the puzzle Additional options to increase difficulty include mirrored or flipped pieces, locking correctly placed pieces, blanking placed pieces after a time delay, and occasionally playing the video clip in reverse There are four game modes in FlixMix In Single Mingle, the player has unlimited time to solve a single puzzle In Scramblecade, the player rotates through all the puzzles in a tileset, with the pieces shrinking in size almost each round The player has a time limit, which can be extended by placing pieces, placing pieces in bonus spaces worth extra time and points, and solving puzzles In Joint Venture, up to nine players take turns solving a sequence of puzzles with the winner being the one to solve the most puzzles within a time limit In Mix'n'Match, up to nine players take turns solving the same puzzle in sequence, with the player with the lowest time declared the winner


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CelerisStarCraft, Inc.

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